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Sunset Hills Lego Club

Lego Challenge Program

In the Spring students are welcome to register for Lego Challenge.  It is 12 sessions of Lego challenges held on a weekly basis on Mondays after school in the Lightbulb Lab on campus. 

The students will use and develop their planning skills, creativity, collaboration skills, and confidence to complete their mission.  The challenges integrate all areas of STEAM: science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.

This program has students:

  • work alone or on teams depending on the challenge

  • complete challenges that can be, for example, "build the tallest tower that can withstand an "earthquake,"" create an imaginary creature, build their name using Legos, etc. 

  • present their creation to a group

This program is open to students in ages 5 and up.   This is non-competitive, educational program.  Parent volunteers needed and welcomed.

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